16 травня 2020 року відбувся он-лайн захист виробничої практики студентів 4 курсу спеціальності 035.04 Філологія. Германські мови і література (переклад включно) (група Fil1-B16). Під час захисту практики у формі відео-конференції студенти поділились враженнями, обговорили труднощі, які виникали у процесі перекладу, обговорили шляхи впровадження перекладацького досвіду у своєму майбутньому професійному житті.
Студенти високо оцінили організацію та проведення виробничої практики, отримали реальний досвід філолога-перекладача і можливість розвинути та поглибити професійні навички у сфері перекладу. Ось відгуки про виробничу практику найактивніших студентів:
Яна Ярмолюк: «I had my practice at “Volynholding” in Torchyn. I gained a valuable experience and improved my communication and research skills. I came to realize all the peculiarities of being a translator and the complicated process to make translation of a high quality. This practice proves me that I have made a right choice of my profession».
Тетяна Малжанська: «It was a great experience for me as for a translator. My practice helped me to acquire new knowledge and improve my skills. I’ve learned how to make the translation adequately within a short period of time due to the deadlines, how to do the paperwork correctly and to get along with work community and colleagues. I’m very happy that the university gave me such an opportunity to practice my skills”.
Ірина Шахова: «I had the opportunity to gain valuable experience in translating texts of various types (scientific and historical articles, advertisement, etc.) over six weeks. I have seen from my own experience how difficult, but at the same time very interesting, the chosen profession is. In my opinion, practice is the most important stage in the formation of skills of the future specialist, it will help you understand whether you have chosen the right professional direction. So I advise students not to hesitate to ask questions and consult with experienced translators in the process of work, because these pieces of advice are just priceless».
Олена Рибчинська: «Today we had a conference about our practice. Every student had a possibility to say a few words about her practice. We shared our experience, impressions and also our recommendations. Our practice was very successful, everyone had learnt a lot of useful information about translating different types of texts. As for me, I enjoyed practice a lot».
Анастасія Перебендюк: «My practice at the Translation Bureau “Center” in Kamyanets-Podilsky enriched me with new invaluable experience. It was a good opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge, performing various tasks, translating texts on various topics. Extremely important was the role of my superviser Kivilsha O. Y., a talented translator, a professional in his field, who shared his knowledge with us, gave advice and guidance. I can say with confidence that within such a short period of time I managed to learn a lot and develop my translation skills».
Вітаємо студентів-філологів з успішним захистом та бажаємо подальших успіхів у професійній сфері!