Здобувачі освіти Кам᾿янець-Подільського національного університету імені Івана Огієнка активно беруть участь у реалізації міжнародних освітніх ініціатив. Уже майже місяць майбутні освітяни опановують курс «Project-Based Learning with eTwinning & Erasmus+ for Interculturality» у межах Програми ЄС eTwinning. Цей динамічний, інтерактивний курс охоплює проєктний дизайн навчання, управління освітніми проєктами та роботу на платформі eTwinning. Студенти співпрацюють із європейськими викладачами, виконують короткі міжкультурні проєкти, презентують свої результати та працюють у транснаціональних групах над темами сталого розвитку освіти й освітніх інновацій.
Мета курсу — знайти друзів, сприяти миру, доброті, емпатії, віртуальному обміну та відкритій дистанційній освіті. Участь у проєкті відкриває студентам можливості для професійного розвитку, міжнародної співпраці та інтеграції сучасних методів викладання в освітній процес.
Викладач курсу ‒ професор Штутгартського університету (Німеччина) Річард Пауерс.
Його заняття вирізняються пізнавальністю, глибиною змісту та інтерактивним підходом, що робить їх надзвичайно цікавими й ефективними.
Наші здобувачі освіти спеціальності 014 Середня освіта (Мова і література (англійська) з радістю діляться своїми першими враженнями від участі в курсі «Project-Based Learning with eTwinning & Erasmus+ for Interculturality».
![]() Руслана Боришкевич |
Week 1
We met Richard and all the participants of the project. We used Padlet to get to know each other better. We also shared our first ideas about the projects. Week 2 This meeting focused on learning about the eTwinning platform and the support site. We were taught how to register in eTwinning as a student teacher. We also wrote about “Interculturality: What is it?” Week 3 During this meeting, we chose our groups and project topics. I joined a group with two Ukrainian participants and one German participant. Our project topic is “Youth lifestyles around the world.” We also practiced using the Groups Space! Week 4 There was no meeting with Richard this week, but we organized a group meeting. We discussed our next steps and collaboration plans. Being a part of an eTwinning project is an exciting and rewarding journey for me! It gives me the chance to connect with talented people from different countries, exchange ideas, and learn more about intercultural communication. The platform is easy to use and provides numerous tools for creative collaboration. I especially enjoy working on our group project, even though it’s not always easy, and seeing how teamwork can bring great results. This project has inspired me to explore new opportunities and grow both personally and professionally. |
Hello !
I am very glad to be able to participate in the international eTwinning platform! The most impressive aspect of the program, for me personally, is its ability to bring together students from different cultural and educational backgrounds. Communicating with peers from all over Europe (and beyond) not only broadened my horizons, but also helped me gain a deeper understanding of some aspects of teaching. I was impressed with Richard’s teaching skills. For me, he became an example of oratorical skills, which will help me in communicating with children as a future teacher. Technology integration was another important point. Thanks to video conferences in Zoom, online discussions and joint projects, I learned to use modern tools effectively. In addition, the program’s emphasis on project-based learning encouraged creativity and teamwork. Further work on real-world problems with international colleagues was both inspiring and rewarding. I especially liked the fact that these projects will enrich not only my ability to speak English, but also my communication skills. |
![]() Марія Тракало |
The second week at eTwinning was really informative! Richard got acquainted us with platform Moodle and with everything it includes for further work. We were added there and completed first tasks.
On the third week we tried to divide into groups. I chose the topic for project, which is called “Youth Lifestyle Around The World” and I even had a meeting with my group in WhatsApp, where we discussed our further work and research. I am really excited now! I am really happy to participate at eTwinning as it involves me in practice. It is not only about practicing English, but also making foreign friends to achieve a common goal. ETwinning is something completely new for me, so I am excited, happy and nervous at the same time. I really hope that it will help me to get out of my comfort zone and grow even more in my professional direction. |
Софія Форкун |
![]() Марина Кучер |
Week 1. At the first meeting, we discussed further cooperation in this course. It was interesting to communicate with new people. But I liked Richard the most, he was always cheerful and joked a lot.
Week 2. At the second meeting, we were already added to Moodle and we were already able to use it and upload assignments. At the meeting, we were divided into groups of 4 people, we discussed our own ideas for projects. Week 3. At the third meeting, we were able to choose project topics and unite into groups. I think that this meeting was useful for every eTwinning participant, because everyone had the opportunity to communicate with participants from different countries. General impression of the course. I really like this course. At each meeting, we have the opportunity to communicate with different people, both from Ukraine and from other countries, for example, Germany, Greece, Italy. We improve our knowledge and communication skills in English by creating joint projects. |
31 жовтня 2024 року в нас відбулася онлайнова зустріч у Zoom ycix учасників eTwinning, вона пройшла дуже цікаво. На початку нас перевірили чи усіх успішно додали в Moodle. Потім ми поділилися на кімнати та спілкувалися один з одним, щоб дізнатися один одного краще. Мені було цікаво спілкуватися зі студентами інших країн. Ця зустріч мені сподобалася та залишила приємні враження.
7 листопада відбувалася зустріч у Zoom для всіх учасників eTwinning. Ha цій зустрічі ми вибирали теми проєктів, які нам були цікаві. Потім ми поділилися на кімнати та обговорювали наші ідеї. Ця зустіч залишила позитивні враження, тому що ми мали змогу поспілкуватися один з одним та обговорити цікаві ідеї. |
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![]() Ірина Мельник |
I am very glad to have the opportunity to participate in this project on eTwinning because it helps me learn how to work with students and collaborate with teachers from other countries. This experience is very useful for me as a future teacher. It is amazing to share ideas, work as a team, and see how the project grows step by step. I am excited to be a part of something so creative and meaningful! |
Our eTwinning Project based learning meetings are always interesting and interactive. Every week, we complete new tasks and learn how to use the platform for our project. This learning experience is important because it helps me develop teamwork, communication, and problem-solving skills. I also get to interact with people from different countries, which is exciting and broadens my perspective. We are lucky to have a great teacher, Richard, whose sessions are always enjoyable to join! We have already chosen our project topics and divided into groups. My group’s topic is “Across Two Generations: Students & Grandparents.” Right now, we are connecting with each other and discussing our future project. | ![]() |
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The eTwinning project is very important for modern youth because it helps them connect with peers from different countries and learn about other cultures. It also teaches teamwork, communication, and creativity, which are essential skills for the future. I particularly enjoy the opportunity to connect with participants from different countries, including a teacher from a small Italian village and students from KPNU. The organizers always do an excellent job—everything starts on time, there are no technical issues, and Richard adds a lot of fun with his jokes. |
For me eTwinning was discovery. I always thought that international projects are complicated and require a lot of connections but now I realise that it’s not so complicated thankfully. Especially, I am glad for ability to learn both about Project-Based learning and making intercultural project on eTwinning and for friends who are already teachers and give me great advises for teaching. For now, I already had few insights on working on eTwinning and also about project itself like how we need to do them, how we cited works and etc. Overall, I am really glad for taking this course and waiting for next meetings and work on project. | ![]() |
Програма ЄС eTwinning «Project-Based Learning with eTwinning & Erasmus+ for Interculturality» відіграє значну роль у приєднанні до європейської спільноти освітян через такі важливі аспекти як: міжнародна співпраця, інтеркультурна комунікація, розвиток професійних компетентностей.
eTwinning формує нові спільноти освітян, які об’єднують фахівців з різних країн навколо ідей інноваційного навчання та міжкультурної співпраці. Це не лише розширює горизонти учасників програми, а й створює міцну основу для подальшого розвитку освітніх систем.
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