Мама – найдобріша, мама – наймиліша.

 У День Матері наші вітання любим матусям! Хай будуть здорові і щасливі на многії і довгії літа!

Це чудове свято започаткували у Великій Британії у 17 столітті і відзначали у четверту неділю Великого Посту, коли дівчаткам-служницям дозволяли відвідати своїх матерів і подякувати за їхню любов і ласку.

Пропонуємо Вашій увазі добірку віршів англійських поетів Julia Hunt, Christina Rossetti, Rudyard Kipling про маму у виконанні студентів академічних груп Ang-B18 та Ukr-B18.


One of the brightest and happiest holidays of the year is Mother’s Day.    

’’A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.’’

Agatha Christie

From the 17th to the 19th century, the so-called Mother’s Sunday was celebrated in Great Britain. The fourth Sunday of Lent was dedicated to honoring mothers throughout the country.

The Americans first celebrated it in 1907. The initiator was Anna Jarvis. She founded the holiday in honor of her mother, a civic activist who became famous during the American Civil War.

After the First World War, this holiday began to be celebrated in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, the German state, and the Czechoslovak Republic.

In the USA it is traditional to serve the Simnel cake, decorated with 12 balls of marzipan. The tradition of 12 balls began in pre-Christian times, they symbolize the 12 signs of the zodiac. The name of this cake is associated with the Latin name of fine flour (simila). On this day children visit parents’ homes, giving symbolic gifts to mothers, and thanking them for their upbringing and care. Family dinners are very popular, where several generations gather at one table, and children and men prepare surprises. Sons and daughters must reconcile with their mothers, overcome all misunderstandings, forgive each other, even if the relationship is very bad.

Mother’s Day is a special holiday when you can once again remind your loved one how much you appreciate and love her.

 Love your mothers, respect them and remember that only mothers do all the best for you to be happy.

Students of Ang-B18 and Ukr-B18 groups present you some poems by British and American poets dedicated to Mothers:

“Thank God for our Mothers” by Julia Hunt –  Забудько Даша, Angl2-B18;

“Sonnets are full of love” by Christina Rossetti – Тимчишин Євгенія, Angl2-B18;

“Mother o’ Mine” by  Rudyard Kipling – Греньків Іра , Ukr 1-B18

Happy Mother’s Day